Discover the future of industrial automation with us. Together we can make your production more efficient, faster and smarter.


Welcome to the world of HORST, our intelligent high-tech industrial robot

Imagine a world where industrial processes are optimized and simplified through the use of intelligent robotic systems. A world where the latest technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning raise your productivity and efficiency to a level you never thought possible before. The Digital Robot HORST offers you exactly that and much more!

Ein intelligenter Industrieroboter für alle 

Wir verstehen, dass die Welt der industriellen Automatisierung sowohl für Experten als auch für Neulinge eine Herausforderung sein kann. HORST ist auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten.

Neueste Technologie und KI

Unser hoch optimiertes Robotersystem nutzt innovative, in Deutschland entwickelte Getriebe, um höchste Qualität und Effizienz zu bieten. Durch die Nutzung fortschrittlicher Technologien wie machine learning oder künstliche Intelligenz verbessern wir Ihre Prozesse kontinuierlich.

Nahtlose Integration und Einbindung

Mit unseren Digital Robots vermeiden Sie langwierige Einrichtungsprozesse und Vorlaufzeiten. Unsere benutzerfreundliche Software horstFX macht das Programmieren von Standardanwendungen einfach und spart Ihnen die Kosten für externe Schulungen. Unser Ziel ist es, dass Sie so schnell wie möglich arbeiten können.

Smarte Konnektivität

Mit unserer IIoT-Plattform horstCOSMOS bieten wir Ihnen eine vernetzte, datengetriebene Automatisierung. Sie können Telemetriedaten Ihrer Robotersysteme auswerten und Probleme erkennen, noch bevor diese entstehen. Mit der eingebauten SIM-Karte bleibt Ihr HORST immer verbunden. Mit uns bleiben Sie maximal flexibel.

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von fruitcore robotics und lassen Sie sich von den Ergebnissen, die HORST Ihnen bietet, inspirieren und begeistern. Willkommen in der Zukunft der Industrierobotik. Willkommen bei fruitcore robotics.

Rely on the latest technology and artificial intelligence with HORST

Achieve the highest quality and productivity with a highly optimized robot system and improve your processes with our passion for innovation and development.


Seamless integration and incorporation

With our Digital Robots, you avoid lengthy setup processes and lead times. Our goal is to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Smart connectivity for optimized processes

Get additional benefits with digital services for HORST such as our own IIoT platform and an integrated SIM card.


Automating with HORST is solving challenges

Learn more about our intelligent automation solutions for your applications.

Machine feeding

  • In a competetive market, quality is critical. HORST enables high accuracy in picking and placing workpieces, which improves product quality and reduces scrap.
  • The safety of employees is of paramount importance. HORST can be used for hazardous or unhealthy tasks, reducing the risk of workplace accidents.
  • In today's fast-paced production world, felxibility is crucial. HORST can be quickly adapted to changing tasks and production scenarios.
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Part Separation

  • Accuracy in sorting parts is crucial for the quality of the final product. HORST offers an extremely high repeatability of ±0.05mm, which enables precise separation.
  • Manual processes can be time-consuming and inefficient. HORST enables faster and continuous feeding of bulk material without the need for constant staff intervention.
  • In a constantly changing market, the ability to adapt quickly is crucial. HORST is designed to meet a wide range of requirements.
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Quality Inspection

  • Consistency in quality inspection is critical to the reliability of the end product. HORST provides precisely defined movements and minimizes external influences, enabling precise and consistent quality inspection.
  • Being able to detect quality defects in complex surfaces is crucial for many industries. HORST can be equipped with a camera and offers flexible 6 axis kinematics to inspect complex surfaces from different angles.
  • Changing over to new processes or applications quickly and cost-effectively is essential for a company's competetiveness. HORST enables simple adaptations, even for the smallest series. 
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Dispensing and Bonding

  • The HORST 6-axis industrial robot enables complex dispensing movements and adapts effortlessly to uneven or curved geometries. This enables precise dispensing and application of adhesives or other substances.
  • HORST can easily be equipped with different end effectors to handle or inspect the component in addition to dispensing. It can be seamlessly integrated into your entire production environment.
  • With the horstFX software feature for creating complex paths and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, our Digital Robot offers maximum efficiency in your dispensing and gluing processes.


  • HORST achieves high speeds and is enormously repeatable (±0.05 mm). This makes HORST ideal for assembly processes that require short cycle times and high precision.
  • HORST can be used in hazardous or chemical-laden environments, reducing the risk to assembly workers. In addition, it can be equipped with various grippers, tools or sensors to achieve the optimal flow of the process.
  • HORST uses the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and provides full connectivity into existing systems and processes.

Your contact at fruitcore robotics

Would you like to get to know HORST even better and learn how our Digital Robot can also solve your challenges? Contact our robotics experts today and revolutionize your processes with HORST!

How do our customers rate their success with HORST?

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We use the test cell for technological feasibility analyses and innovations in product development and are thrilled. The Solution Kit can be put into operation, programmed and operated quickly and easily without any special prior knowledge.

Robert Meißner icon
Robert Meißner
Senior Expert Manufacturing Technologies, Research & Development at fischer group
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With HORST, we are very well positioned in our test lab. The compact footprint is very convenient and the usability of the robot is a great advantage, especially for the complex test setups.

Frank Reinauer icon
Frank Reinauer
Senior Director Division Implants at Karl Leibinger Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG
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We are more than satisfied with HORST as well as with the service and support from fruitcore robotics. The team is extremely competent, friendly and very helpful. The optimal solution for us!

Marius Effinger icon
Marius Effinger
Project Coordinator at ROTH&EFFINGER GmbH
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The high quality demands placed on our products require first-class quality assurance. By using the HORST industrial robot, we have not only created the best testing conditions, but also significantly increased product quality. The robot has relieved our employees of monotonous tasks as well as led to an increase in productivity and a high level of satisfaction among our customers.

Lorenz Geyer icon
Lorenz Geyer
Managing Director Eugen Geyer GmbH
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With HORST, we have achieved a very large increase in efficiency. We now produce twice as many parts and have thus been able to significantly increase our sales. The robot had already paid for itself after the first series.

Fabian Pfister icon
Fabian Pfister
Co-Founder and Managing Director at CyFa-Tech.ch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH
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HORST takes over typical pick & place tasks for us during a hydraulic test and enables a fully automated testing process. As a result, we achieve a significantly higher output and increase our productivity. We were also convinced by the easy operation of the industrial robot, the good price and the comprehensive support from fruitcore.

Thomas Sehling icon
Thomas Sehling
Operational Excellence Manager at WEBER-HYDRAULIK GmbH
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The implementation of this automation task worked quickly. Just like the cooperation with fruitcore robotics has always worked great.

Stefan Schirling icon
Stefan Schirling
Junior Owner at Schirling Frästechnik GmbH
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The automation of laser marking with HORST enables us to mark many thousands of perforated lids per year with a unique code. The automation helps us to increase quality while staying flexible for different customer needs.The system is exactly what we needed.

Beat Glauser icon
Beat Glauser
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Wie sichern Sie sich die besten Lifecycle-Costs durch zusätzliche Services?


Awards and recognitions for HORST and fruitcore robotics

We perceive each honor as proof of our commitment to excellence, innovation and sustainability in automation. We see them as proof that we always provide our customers with high-quality, efficient and advanced solutions and the best possible user experience.